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Welcome to Lunaria! Part IV

Government and Groups of Influence

Welcome back to our series on Lunaria! Thank you for tagging along as I share about the different elements of the world I’m building. 

This is a great exercise for me to make sure I have all my details straight, but I am also hopeful that you will enjoy this deeper dive into the world.  

I also hope it will make the books come alive even more when you begin reading this fall! 

So let’s dive in. 

A infographic that shows the hierarchy of the groups of influence in Lunaria. The royal family at the top with the Queen and King's council underneath. Then there is the Court of Lords adjacent to the Queen's Council, and then the Court of Ladies. Underneath all of them are other groups such as the Merchants Guild, Shipmans Guilds, The Academy, and the Waysiders


The Royal Family

Lunaria is a monastic kingdom. The royal family rules over the kingdom, and power is passed down from parent to child. In theory, based on the tenets set forth by the first King, Gavin Athieston, the power should pass from parent to son or daughter based on either birth order or competence.

 Historically, however, the throne has mysteriously ended up with a male Athieston. This has caused problems in the past when the female Athieston heirs took issue with such a thing, but their protests were quickly silenced by their male family members. Sometimes permanently. 

The King's Council

While the Athieston Royal (as mentioned, typically the king) rules over the land, creating laws and imparting justice on important matters, he does so with the advice of the King’s Council. This group of typically three to five lords has gained influence over the centuries. 

The king has the final say, but his choices have direct ramifications on his life and relationships between the houses, so he is frequently influenced by their squabbling. 

Popular opinion in the lower echelons of Lunarian society says that the council has too strong an influence on the king’s decisions, weakening his status. 

Queen's Council

The Queen also has her own council. The spouse to the Athieston royal typically has less power and influence over the Kingdom.

 Their sphere of influence is typically social, and they focus their efforts on the management of the Royal estates, the Castle dinners, events, charities, and other social functions. 

Spouses who have tried to have a more active role in Kingdom affairs, particularly those between houses, have met with mixed success depending on the Athieston in charge. 

The Court of Lords and Ladies

Below the Royal Family and the King and Queen’s Councils, there are the Courts of Lords and Ladies. 

As it sounds, these make up all of the noblemen and women in the Kingdom of Lunaria. Some are more active than others, as few can spend all of their time in Neomea instead of on their own lands. 

The Noble Houses of Lunaria

The twelve noble houses aren’t the only noble families of the Kingdom, but they are the highest. Each has been given its own domain to rule under the King’s aegis. Many of these lords and ladies also make up the King and Queen’s councils. 

A mind map showing the names of the twelve houses of Lunaria around the Royal Family

Groups of Influence

Merchant Guild

In addition to the nobility, Lunaria has a thriving group of merchants and traders. Much of Lunaria’s economy is built on its vast trading empire. 

The guilds move products across the kingdom, but also to the other kingdoms and far stretches of the world through sailing. They are beaten only by the Tahrans when it comes to trading over land. 

The Academy

Another influential group is the Scholars. Lunaria boasts one of the most well-renowned schools in Elemastra and a great library. 

They focus specifically, however, on water magic, and so many of the visitors from other countries don’t bother with their magic curriculum.

The Waysiders

Beneath the facade of civility, however, there are also influential criminal organizations. Thieves, madams, assassins, and the like. They prefer to work in the shadows, but when necessary, they exert their influence to make sure things are going their way.

Ultimately, as in real life, everyone in Lunaria is vying for power in their own way. Those who don’t have it want it, and those who have it want more. What can you do? 


What groups are you interested in reading more about? 

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