Book Review

Book Review: The Infernal Devices Trilogy

The Infernal Devices
by Cassandra Clare

The Clockwork Angel

The Infernal Devices Book 1

Tessa Gray moves to London to be with her brother after her aunt dies. Upon her arrival, however, she is swiftly kidnapped by the Dark Sisters. Once in their power, she is forced to practice a magic she did not even know she possessed, in preparation to meet the Magister.

One night, a chatty young man rescues her and introduces her to the world of Shadowhunters and Downworlders. With the help of the Shadowhunters, Tessa continues to look for her brother in exchange for helping them investigate the Pandemonium Club, of which the Dark Sisters had been members. 

As they get closer to the identity of the Magister, dangers escalate. It is clear the Magister does not want the Shadowhunters to know who he is or what his plans are, and he’s willing to do anything he can to ensure that.

Recommendation: 5 Stars

This series is perfect for readers who love the element of the fantastical in the ‘real’ world. I highly recommend it for those looking for a genre-blending romp with engaging characters. Even if you are not familiar with the Shadowhunter world, it’s a great book to start with. 

The story in this book chronologically predates the City of Bones series and is a quicker read, so I highly recommend this series as a starting point to anyone wanting to dive into the Shadowhunter universe.

My only warning would be to anticipate feeling all the feels through this series. I cried a few times. I want to cry just thinking about parts of it. You have been warned. But I promise, the read and the journey are worth it.


Of the various Shadowhunters series that are now available, the Infernal Devices still has my favorite group. Jem, Tessa, and Will have this compelling arc and storyline together. 

Tessa is enjoyable because she’s smart, no-nonsense, with a sly sense of humor and a willingness to jump into the action. 


Jem has the sweet spirit of an angel, the patience of a saint, and the best heart of all of them. I love the way he loves Will unconditionally. 

Will is the quintessential brooding hero, but all the brooding is made manageable by his sense of humor and excellent taste in literature. The three of them together are sheer perfection.

Genre and Setting

I love the delectable blend of Steampunk, Urban Fantasy, and Romance that just gives me all the feels. You’ve got demons and monsters, a masquerade, dancing, clockwork devices, the works. The glimpses of London and its landmarks are wonderful as well, drawing us to the dark underworld of this gritty city.


The self-contained nature of this trilogy makes it stand out to me compared to the first Shadowhunter series. That first series seemed to go on for a while and went back and forth in both character development and plot progress. This series has a much more seamless development where both the progress and the obstacles seem natural.

Clare lays out the conflict from the very first pages, and with each chapter and each book brings it to life by showing its origin and foundation. The twists built into the book seem natural and satisfying.  


By far the most compelling element to me of this series is the dynamic and shifting relationships between Tessa and the boys. Her instant connection to Will as they banter during her rescue gives me the giggles, but the kindness and care Jem shows her melts my heart. Even as Tessa falls in love with them, I as a reader fall in love with them too. Normally I’m like ‘love triangles, ugh,’ but the way Clare handles this one feels unique to me.

 That Tessa loves both boys and is genuinely heart-broken when Jem becomes a Silent Brother is obvious. But those feels are nothing compared to the end of the series, when Clare wraps everything up. She gives us a glimpse of the life that Tessa and Will have together over the years, and then BAM. She hits us with the scene where their family says goodbye when Will is on his death bed. My throat has never hurt as bad from holding back humiliating sobs as it did when I read the end of this series. The unexpected blessing at the end of Jem’s cure and return to mortal life is this bittersweet gem of an ending.

It seems impossible that Tessa gets to have both in a way that seems believable and not cheating one or the other in some way, but Clare manages to pull it off. Not only does the arc work, but the element that makes this love-triangle functional is the unwavering love between Will and Jem. If they did not love each other as well as they did, I doubt that such a painful but perfect ending would be possible. And it may be that the love between those two boys is the most compelling in the whole book.

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