
This territory is the setting of the New Adult Fantasy novel Scorn and Shadow–the first in The Water Stone Trilogy. 

A map depicting the kingdom of Lunaria and the division of territories by the 12 noble houses. Featured in J.M. Lasley's series, The Water Stone Trilogy.

Lunaria is the northernmost territory of Elemastra. This kingdom is ruled by a royal family with supporting castle, and has twelve noble families that govern territories. 

To learn more about this land, check out these resources! 

A mind map showing the names of the twelve houses of Lunaria around the Royal Family
A infographic that shows the hierarchy of the groups of influence in Lunaria. The royal family at the top with the Queen and King's council underneath. Then there is the Court of Lords adjacent to the Queen's Council, and then the Court of Ladies. Underneath all of them are other groups such as the Merchants Guild, Shipmans Guilds, The Academy, and the Waysiders